The Original Warehouse Acid Party is the bigger, yet younger brother of the Oud Hollandsch Acid Feest (O.H.A.F). No average house classics party, but the Mother of all parties where all the movements in dance music of the last 20 years have found their roots.

Organized by the originals of old glorious times. Where parties emerged at rough places like on abandoned industrial sites, shipyards or old abandoned factory buildings.

O.W.A.P. began in 2002 when there was a great need for a large Warehouse party. This provided the possibility to track down the true legends of yesteryear for the best revival party in the Netherlands.

According to these legendary dinosaur DJ’s, their sets at O.W.A.P. were one of the best they’ve ever played. Among them are Todd Terry, Cajmere (aka Green Velvet), Danny Rampling, Hardfloor and Hacienda greats Mike Pickering and Graeme Park to name a few…and more Acid House heroes are still to come!

There is also a live element, MC Kinky of Ezee Posse from London, Phuture from Chicago, Byron Stingily and Tyree Cooper from Chicago and Mark Verbos from New York. They all performed with great success at O.W.A.P.

From the Netherlands Dimitri, Remy, Joost van Bellen, Eric de Man, “Groove Master” Johnson, KC the Funkaholic, Roog and RiskSoundSystem took their place behind the decks bringing us back to acid house heaven.

But more important than all those great celebrities is the crowd, many music lovers, delirious with their hands in the air, striking and colorfully dressed, resurrecting the glory days of acid house.

Smileys dominate, but also fluorescent prints, psychedelic patterns, stadium horns in hand and whistles around the neck. The smoke machines are on tilt, the strobes flashing as never before, because this is O.W.A.P.

Here you can party like it was 1989, as if the sun will never come up and the party always will continue…